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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Chief clerk, deputy chief clerk and other personnel of the courts unless otherwise provided for a particular county 1
Surrogate's Court Procedure Act (SCP) CHAPTER 59-A, ARTICLE 26
§ 2605. Chief clerk, deputy chief clerk and other personnel of the

courts unless otherwise provided for a particular county

1. Chief clerk. By written order filed and recorded in his office,
which he may in like manner revoke at pleasure, a surrogate shall
appoint a chief clerk of the surrogate's court, who shall be and shall
perform all duties of the clerk of the surrogate's court.

2. Deputy chief clerk. In any county containing a city of the second
class and in any county having a population over 500,000 the surrogate
shall, and in any other county the surrogate may, in like manner appoint
a deputy chief clerk of the surrogate's court. In counties under 500,000
the surrogate may designate one of the clerks of the court to act as
deputy chief clerk of the court in addition to other duties.

3. Temporary chief clerk of the court. Should the chief clerk or
deputy chief clerk be absent or unable to act or if the office be vacant
the surrogate may designate any law assistant or other clerk to serve
temporarily as chief clerk or deputy chief clerk of the court.

4. Oath and bond. Each chief clerk and deputy chief clerk shall,
before entering upon the performance of his duties, take the
constitutional oath of office and shall file it with the county clerk of
the county together with a bond in the sum of $50,000 approved by the
surrogate conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties.

5. Other personnel. Within the appropriation therefor made by the
county board of supervisors each surrogate may likewise appoint and
remove such law assistants, clerks, court reporters and such attendants,
messengers and other court officers and employees as necessary,
including temporary court attendants and other personnel.

Court attendants and officers whose duty shall be to attend terms and
sessions of court as required and perform such services as the surrogate
directs shall possess all the powers of an officer designated by the
sheriff to attend upon the court.