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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Rules relating to estate valuation after letters The chief administrator of the courts shall promulgate rules to insure that, after lette...
Surrogate's Court Procedure Act (SCP) CHAPTER 59-A, ARTICLE 7
§ 725. Rules relating to estate valuation after letters

The chief administrator of the courts shall promulgate rules to insure
that, after letters have been granted to a fiduciary and the fee based
on the initial value of the estate has been paid, the court is notified
of the actual value of the estate as subsequently shown by a tax return
filed under article twenty-six of the tax law, by a proceeding under
such article, by any proceeding in surrogate's court involving such
estate, or by the filing with the court of such other papers or
documents as such rules shall prescribe.