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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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When temporary administration may be granted Temporary administration may be granted if the court finds it is in the best interests of th...
Surrogate's Court Procedure Act (SCP) CHAPTER 59-A, ARTICLE 9
§ 901. When temporary administration may be granted

Temporary administration may be granted if the court finds it is in
the best interests of the estate in the following cases:

1. When for any cause delay occurs in the grant of letters on the
estate of a decedent or a person alleged to be deceased or in the
probate of his or her will.

2. When a person having an interest in property in this state has
disappeared and is absent from his or her place of abode without being
heard of after diligent inquiry. Such person shall be referred to as an

3. When a person having an interest in property in this state has been
made a prisoner of war or has been detained or interned by an enemy
country or in an enemy-occupied country or by force, or imprisoned in
this country, a foreign country, whether legal or illegal, and who is
thereby unable to safeguard and care for his property in this state.
Such person shall be referred to as an internee.