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This entry was published on 2016-12-09
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Dates on assessment-rolls and tax levy receipts
Suffolk County Tax Act (SCT) CHAPTER ROOT, ARTICLE 1
§ 3-a. Dates on assessment-rolls and tax levy receipts. The board of
assessors and the receiver of taxes of each town shall date the
assessment-rolls and the tax levy receipts of their respective towns
covering taxes and assessments assessed and levied each year and
receipts for the payment thereof with both the year in which so assessed
and levied and the next succeeding year, so that the assessment-roll of
each town prepared in the year nineteen hundred thirty-five and required
to be delivered as the tax and assessment-roll to the receiver of taxes
therein on or before December first, nineteen hundred thirty-five, shall
read "Assessment-roll 1935-1936" and the receipts for payment of the
taxes and assessments therein shall read "1935-1936 Tax Levy Receipt,"
and the assessment-rolls and tax levy receipts thereafter prepared shall
be dated and shall read correspondingly as herein required.