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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Advertisement of notice of unpaid taxes by county treasurer
Suffolk County Tax Act (SCT) CHAPTER ROOT, ARTICLE 2
§ 42. Advertisement of notice of unpaid taxes by county treasurer.
After the receipt of the tax rolls from the town tax receivers, the
county treasurer shall cause a notice to be published in two consecutive
issues of one newspaper in each town of the county of Suffolk, which
newspaper shall be designated by the county treasurer. Said notice to be
substantially as follows:


The County Treasurer has received the tax rolls from the town tax
receivers, indicating unpaid taxes therein and unless such unpaid taxes
with interest and accrued penalties be paid on or before (insert date)
the property against which said taxes are levied will be advertised and,
on the (insert date) thereafter sold. The tax rolls will remain open for
examination in the County Treasurer's office at Riverhead. Any taxpayer
interested may send a brief description of his property to the County
Treasurer and the amount of the unpaid tax, if any, will be forwarded to

.............. County Treasurer
Such notice shall be published in said newspapers in a conspicuous place
mainly in agate or similar type in a space not exceeding three inches.
Such notice shall specify the date on which such property will be sold.
The county treasurer may likewise publish said notice in one or more
other newspapers published within or without the county. Failure to
mail or publish such notice will not invalidate or affect the validity
of any tax sale of property mentioned or described in said lists.