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This entry was published on 2016-12-09
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Distribution of proceeds of sale
Suffolk County Tax Act (SCT) CHAPTER ROOT, ARTICLE 2
§ 58. Distribution of proceeds of sale. The plaintiff and the
defendants in said action, including the county of Suffolk, who are the
holders of certificates of sale, shall be paid from the proceeds of sale
the several amounts paid for real estate purchased as mentioned and
described in the certificates of sale held by them, with all interest,
penalties, additions, costs and expenses allowed by law, so far as the
said proceeds shall suffice to pay the same, in the order of the lawful
priority of the liens and the interest of the respective parties in and
against the premises as the same may be determined in this action. It
shall be sufficient for any such defendant to set forth in his answer
his certificate of sale or the substance thereof with the other
allegations in effect as herein provided with regard to the complaint in
the action. A defendant alleging irregularity or invalidity in any tax,
assessment or sale shall particularly specify in his answer such
irregularity or invalidity.