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This entry was published on 2016-12-09
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Recording of tax deeds; cancellation
Suffolk County Tax Act (SCT) CHAPTER ROOT, ARTICLE 2
§ 68. Recording of tax deeds; cancellation. All tax deeds executed as
herein provided may be recorded as other conveyances of land under the
laws of this state. Such deeds, and also deeds issued on any prior tax
sales, if not recorded in the office of the county clerk, may be
returned to the county treasurer and cancelled for sufficient cause at
any time. Such cancellation shall terminate all rights of the purchaser
thereunder. The owner of any certificate of sale issued or any tax sale
shall not be required to apply for conveyance of the land described
therein within four years after the expiration of one year from the last
day of sale, as required by the tax law, but may apply for and obtain
such conveyance at any time prior to bringing action for foreclosure. If
the owner of any certificate (except the county, and the purchaser at
the tax sale who is the owner with a duly recorded title of the land
sold) does not apply for a conveyance within the period of eight years
from date of sale so allowed for bringing such action, the certificate
shall become void, and no claim can be maintained under the purchase.