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This entry was published on 2016-12-09
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When certificate of sale deemed a tax lien
Suffolk County Tax Act (SCT) CHAPTER ROOT, ARTICLE 2
§ 74. When certificate of sale deemed a tax lien. When a purchaser
files an election that his purchase or tax deed shall be the purchase of
the tax lien or the right of the county and of each town, school
district and other district in the county to receive taxes, assessments
and other liens, the certificates of sale or tax deed, held by such
purchaser, shall thereafter be deemed a transfer of the tax lien, or
right of the county to collect such taxes. And in proceedings to recover
the amount due the holders of such certificate, as herein provided, it
shall not be necessary to plead or prove any action, proceedings, right
of action preceding the delivery of such certificate by the county
treasurer, nor to establish the validity of the tax lien transferred by
such certificate.