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Substance abuse rehabilitative and preventive services
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 1
§ 131-d. Substance abuse rehabilitative and preventive services.

1. Any inconsistent provision of this chapter or other law
notwithstanding, social services officials shall provide substance abuse
services, to eligible needy substance abusers and persons who are
substance dependent, under aid to dependent children, in accordance with
regulations of the department, if and so long as federal aid is
available therefor.

2. Each social services official shall provide such services either
directly or by purchase from a public or private non-profit agency;
provided, however, that such services are approved by the state division
of substance abuse services and that any facility furnishing such
services is supervised and approved by the state division of substance
abuse services.

3. If and so long as federal funds are available therefor, the
department shall be responsible for providing eligible services pursuant
to this section, provided, however, such services shall be furnished
through a cooperative agreement with the state division of substance
abuse services. Provided, further that the scope of the responsibility
of the department hereunder shall not extend beyond the authorization of
such division to furnish such services either directly or through

4. There shall be such cooperative agreements, between the department
and the state division of substance abuse services and other appropriate
state departments and agencies as shall be necessary to assure that
there will be a maximum utilization of existing rehabilitative and
preventive services and that the purposes and objectives of this section
will be effectively accomplished.

5. Any inconsistent provision of law notwithstanding, expenditures
made by a social services official under this section shall be deemed
expenditures for and administration of public assistance and care, and
shall be subject to reimbursement by the state in accordance with the
provisions of section one hundred fifty-three of this chapter.