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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Group health insurance benefits; condition of eligibility
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 1
§ 131-p. Group health insurance benefits; condition of eligibility.
Notwithstanding any other inconsistent provision of law and to the
extent permissible under federal law, any applicant for or recipient of
safety net assistance or family assistance who is or becomes employed
and whose employer provides group health insurance benefits, including
benefits for a spouse and dependent children of such applicant or
recipient, shall apply for and utilize such benefits as a condition of
eligibility for safety net assistance or family assistance. Such
applicant or recipient shall also utilize such benefits provided by
former employers as long as such benefits are available. The department
shall promulgate regulations to determine the eligibility requirements
of those applicants and recipients who have more than one employer
offering group health insurance benefits.

The provisions of this section shall apply to such applicants upon
their initial certification for family assistance or safety net
assistance and to such recipients upon their recertifications for such
assistance following the date on which this section becomes effective.
The cost of premiums paid by such applicants or recipients for such
coverage shall be deducted from such applicant's or recipient's earnings
as an expense incident to his or her employment.