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Domestic violence services
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 1
§ 131-u. Domestic violence services. 1. Notwithstanding any
inconsistent provision of law, a social services district shall, in
accordance with the provisions of this section and regulations of the
department, offer and provide emergency shelter and services at a
residential program for victims of domestic violence, as defined in
article six-A of this chapter, to the extent that such shelter and
services are necessary and available to a victim of domestic violence,
as defined in article six-A of this chapter, and in need of emergency
shelter and services, who was residing in the social services district
at the time of the alleged domestic violence.

2. The department shall annually establish, subject to the approval of
the director of the budget, a daily rate of reimbursement for each
residential program for victims of domestic violence, as defined in
article six-A of this chapter, certified by the department which
provides emergency shelter and services to persons eligible for such
emergency shelter and services pursuant to this section. A social
services district financially responsible for a victim of domestic
violence shall reimburse a residential program for victims of domestic
violence for the costs of emergency shelter and services provided to
such victim at the daily reimbursement rate established by the
department reduced by any other reimbursement available for such costs.