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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Burial reserves for certain recipients of public assistance or care from assigned assets
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 1
§ 152-a. Burial reserves for certain recipients of public assistance
or care from assigned assets. When other provisions of this chapter
providing for reserving an amount for the burial of a recipient of
public assistance or care, from assets transferred or assigned to a
social services official, do not apply to a recipient because of the
category of public assistance or care received by him or her, as in the
case of a recipient of safety net assistance, a similar burial reserve
from assigned assets may or shall, as the regulations of the department
may permit or require, be set aside for such recipient; and any such
burial reserve heretofore set aside with the approval of the
department, or in accordance with its requirements, shall be deemed to
have been authorized.