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Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 2
* § 154. 3. The population of a social services district, city or town
for the purposes of this section shall be the population of such
district, city or town, respectively, excluding the reservation and
school Indian population and inmates of state institutions under the
direction, supervision or control of the state department of correction
and the state department of mental hygiene and inmates of the New York
Training School for Girls at Hudson and Claverack, the State
Agricultural and Industrial School, the New York state Veterans' Home
and the New York Training School for Boys at Warwick, as shown by the
last preceding decennial federal census showing such population,
completed and certified prior to December thirty-first preceding the
commencement of the state fiscal year during which the reimbursement is
made; provided, however, if the director of the United States bureau of
the census shall certify that the population of a district, city or
town, as shown by such last preceding decennial federal census, (a)
excludes a specified number of persons who were actually residing in
such district, city or town at the time of such census, or (b) includes
a specified number of persons who are not actually residing in such
district, city or town at the time of such census, there shall be added
to or subtracted from the population of such district, city or town the
number so specified in such certificate. Such town population shall
include the population of any incorporated village or villages or parts
thereof within such town, but shall exclude the population of any city
or part thereof within such town. The determination as to the population
of a social services district, city or town for the purposes of this
section shall be made by the state comptroller as provided by section
fifty-four of the state finance law.

* NB Repealed July 1, 1969

* NB sub. 3 alive but ineffective since section was repealed.