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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Character and adequacy of services
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 7
§ 255. Character and adequacy of services. 1. It shall be the duty of
social services officials, insofar as funds are available for that
purpose, to provide adequately for services for the aged, blind or
disabled in accordance with the provisions of this title and other
applicable provisions of law. Local funds need not be made available in
excess of the amount necessary to equal state funds made available to
such district or limited pursuant to law.

2. The amount and nature of the services and the manner of providing
them, shall be determined by the social services officials with due
regard to the conditions existing in each case, and in accordance with
the regulations of the department.

3. Services which may be provided to persons who are under care in
private or public institutions or facilities shall be furnished only in
such institutions and facilities as are operated in compliance with
applicable provisions of this chapter or other laws.

4. Services under this title shall not include any which are required
to be furnished as medical assistance pursuant to title eleven of
article five.

5. Local social services districts shall be authorized, with the
approval of the department, to station local social services employees
at federal social security offices for the purpose of providing
information and referral services relating to emergency assistance for
adults and social services to eligible persons.