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Medicaid management
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 11
§ 363-c. Medicaid management. 1. The commissioner of the department
periodically shall convene, but not less than quarterly and no more than
monthly, meetings of the directors and commissioners of all state
agencies and departments receiving general fund appropriations for the
purpose of state matching funds for medicaid services and appropriate
representation of local departments of social services. The purpose of
these meetings is to identify, without limitation:

(a) methods to contain the growth of medicaid spending;

(b) methods to improve the quality of and recipient satisfaction with
medicaid state agency and department services;

(c) opportunities for consolidation and methods to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of existing service delivery;

(d) opportunities for education and prevention; and

(e) the collective priority of critical needs for the medicaid

2. The department annually shall compile the results of these meetings
and provide them to the governor, the senate finance committee, the
assembly ways and means committee, the senate health committee, the
assembly health committee, the senate social services, children and
families committee, and the assembly social services committee.

3. By December thirty-first of each year, the department shall submit
to the governor, the senate finance committee, the assembly ways and
means committee, the senate health committee, the assembly health
committee, the senate social services, children and families committee,
and the assembly social services committee medicaid expenditures made to
other state agencies in the preceding state fiscal year. The report
shall include, but is not limited to:

(a) amounts paid to each agency according to category of service; and

(b) rates paid to each state agency and the associated methodology
used in developing those rates.

* 4. Notwithstanding any laws or regulations to the contrary, all
social services districts, providers and other recipients of medical
assistance program funds shall make available to the commissioner or the
director of the division of budget in a prompt fashion all fiscal and
statistical records and reports, other contemporaneous records
demonstrating their right to receive payment, and all underlying books,
records, documentation and reports, which may be requested by the
commissioner or the director of the division of the budget as may be
determined necessary to manage and oversee the Medicaid program provided
however, any personally identifying information obtained pursuant to
this subdivision shall remain confidential and shall be used solely for
the purposes of this subdivision.

* NB Repealed April 3, 2028