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Newborn enrollment for medical assistance
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 11
§ 366-g. Newborn enrollment for medical assistance. 1. Each hospital
licensed under article twenty-eight of the public health law shall
report to the department of health, or such other entity designated by
the department of health, in such format as the department of health
shall provide, each live birth of a child to a woman receiving medical
assistance on the date of the birth. Such reports shall be made within
five business days of the birth and shall include data identifying the
mother and child.

2. Each hospital licensed under article twenty-eight of the public
health law, upon discharge after delivery of a child, shall notify, in
plain language and in such manner as the department of health shall
provide, each mother in receipt of medical assistance that such child is
deemed to be enrolled in the medical assistance program regardless of
his or her receipt of a medical assistance identification card or client
identification number or other proof of the child's eligibility, and may
access care, services and supplies in accordance with this title and
other applicable laws.

3. The commissioner of health shall establish a procedure to ensure
that every child born to a mother who is receiving medical assistance on
the date of the child's birth is automatically enrolled in the medical
assistance program, assigned a client identification number, and issued
an active medical assistance identification card, as soon as possible,
but in no event later than ten business days from the receipt of the
report required pursuant to subdivision one of this section.

4. (a) Consistent with the provisions of section three hundred
sixty-six of this title, a child under the age of one year whose mother
is receiving medical assistance, or whose mother was receiving medical
assistance on the date of the child's birth, who is presented to a
medical assistance provider, as defined in section three hundred
sixty-six-d of this title, for care, shall be deemed to be enrolled in
the medical assistance program regardless of the issuance of a medical
assistance identification card or client identification number to such
child or other proof of the child's eligibility.

(b) A medical assistance provider that furnishes medical assistance as
defined in section three hundred sixty-five-a of this title, to a child
described in paragraph (a) of this subdivision shall be eligible for
medical assistance reimbursement for such assistance regardless of
whether the child has been issued a medical assistance identification
card, client identification number or other proof of eligibility.
Reimbursement under this section shall be in accordance with the
provisions of this title, including, as appropriate, section 364-j of
this title and all other applicable laws, rules, regulations and
administrative directions.