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State reimbursement
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 12
§ 370-b. State reimbursement. 1. (a) Expenditures made by counties,
cities, and towns for services for senior citizens and their
administration, and senior citizens center projects, pursuant to this
title, shall, if approved by the department, be subject to reimbursement
by the state, in accordance with the regulations of the department, as
follows: There shall be paid to each county, city or town (1) the
amount of federal funds, if any, properly received or to be received on
account of such expenditures; (2) fifty per centum of its expenditures
for services for senior citizens and their administration and senior
citizens center projects, after first deducting therefrom any federal
funds received or to be received on account thereof, and any
expenditures defrayed by fees paid by senior citizens or by other
private contributions.

(b) For the purposes of this title, expenditures for administration
of services for senior citizens shall include expenditures for
compensation of employees in connection with the furnishing of such
services, including but not limited to costs incurred for pensions,
federal old age and survivors insurance and health insurance for such
employees; training programs for personnel, operation, maintenance and
service costs; and such other expenditures such as equipment costs,
depreciation and charges and rental values as may be approved by the
department. It shall not include expenditures for capital costs. In
the case of centers and services for senior citizens purchased or leased
from a non-profit corporation, company or association, expenditures
shall include an allocable proportion of all operating costs of such
centers as may be approved by the department including but not limited
to the expenditures enumerated in this paragraph (b) and expenditures
for amortization, interest and other financing costs of any mortgage
loan made to such non-profit corporation, company or association.

2. (a) Claims for state reimbursement shall be made in such form and
manner and at such times and for such periods as the department shall

(b) When certified by the department, state reimbursement shall be
paid from the state treasury upon the audit and warrant of the
comptroller out of funds made available therefor.

3. The department is authorized in its discretion to approve and
certify to the comptroller for payment, advances to counties, cities or
towns in anticipation of the state reimbursement provided for in this

4. Payment of state reimbursement and advances shall be made to local
fiscal officers as in the case of state reimbursement for public
assistance and care under other provisions of this chapter.