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This entry was published on 2021-02-19
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Putative father registry
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 6, TITLE 1
§ 372-c. Putative father registry. 1. The department shall establish a
putative father registry which shall record the names and addresses of:
(a) any person adjudicated by a court of this state to be the parent of
a child born out of wedlock; (b) any person who has filed with the
registry before or after the birth of a child out of wedlock, a notice
of intent to claim parentage of the child; (c) any person adjudicated by
a court of another state or territory of the United States to be the
father of an out of wedlock child, where a certified copy of the court
order has been filed with the registry by such person or any other
person; (d) any person who has filed with the registry an instrument
acknowledging paternity pursuant to section 4-1.2 of the estates, powers
and trusts law.

2. A person filing a notice of intent to claim parentage of a child or
an acknowledgement of paternity shall include therein his current
address and shall notify the registry of any change of address pursuant
to procedures prescribed by regulations of the department.

3. A person who has filed a notice of intent to claim paternity may at
any time revoke a notice of intent to claim paternity previously filed
therewith and, upon receipt of such notification by the registry, the
revoked notice of intent to claim paternity shall be deemed a nullity
nunc pro tunc.

4. An unrevoked notice of intent to claim paternity of a child may be
introduced in evidence by any party, other than the person who filed
such notice, in any proceeding in which such fact may be relevant.

5. The department shall, upon request, provide the names and addresses
of persons listed with the registry to any court or authorized agency,
and such information shall not be divulged to any other person, except
upon order of a court for good cause shown.