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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Medical histories
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 6, TITLE 1
ยง 373-a. Medical histories. Notwithstanding any other provision of law
to the contrary, to the extent they are available, the medical histories
of a child legally freed for adoption or of a child to be placed in
foster care and of his or her birth parents, with information
identifying such birth parents eliminated, shall be provided by an
authorized agency to such child's prospective adoptive parent or foster
parent and upon request to the adoptive parent or foster parent when
such child has been adopted or placed in foster care. To the extent they
are available, the medical histories of a child in foster care and of
his or her birth parents shall be provided by an authorized agency to
such child when discharged to his or her own care and upon request to
any adopted former foster child; provided, however, medical histories of
birth parents shall be provided to an adoptee with information
identifying such birth parents eliminated. Such medical histories shall
include all available information setting forth conditions or diseases
believed to be hereditary, any drugs or medication taken during
pregnancy by the child's birth mother and any other information,
including any psychological information in the case of a child legally
freed for adoption or when such child has been adopted, or in the case
of a child to be placed in foster care or placed in foster care which
may be a factor influencing the child's present or future health. The
department shall promulgate and may alter or amend regulations governing
the release of medical histories pursuant to this section.