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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Medical treatment for abused, neglected and destitute children; consent of commissioners
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 6, TITLE 1
§ 383-b. Medical treatment for abused, neglected and destitute
children; consent of commissioners. The local commissioner of social
services or the local commissioner of health may give effective consent
for medical, dental, health and hospital services for any child who has
been found by the family court to be an abused, neglected or destitute
child, or who has been taken into or kept in protective custody or
removed from the place where he or she is residing, or who has been
placed in the custody of such commissioner, pursuant to section four
hundred seventeen of this article or section one thousand twenty-two,
section one thousand twenty-four, section one thousand twenty-seven,
section one thousand ninety-four or section one thousand ninety-five of
the family court act.