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Window coverings
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 6, TITLE 1
§ 390-m. Window coverings. 1. For purposes of this section the
following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:

(a) "Beaded chain" means a cord with a series of small spheres,
typically made of metal or plastic.

(b) "Cord loop" means a loop formed by an inner cord that does not
diminish in size when the force used to create the loop is removed.

(c) "Cordless window covering" means:

(i) a horizontal blind or cellular shade that has no draw cord and the
internal lift cord runs in the slats of the horizontal blind so that the
cord is incapable of forming a loop greater than 4 inches in diameter
resulting in a 12-inch maximum circumference;

(ii) a Roman shade, roll-up blind, or woven shade that has no draw
cord and the lift cord is completely enclosed so that it is not

(iii) a vertical blind that has a wand as its operating mechanism and
does not contain any beaded chains, corded pulleys, or other cord loop
operating mechanisms; and

(iv) a roller shade that does not contain a cord or beaded chain.

(d) "Draw cord" means any form of rope, strap, or string used to raise
or lower a window covering.

(e) "Internal lift cord" means a cord that is contained inside the
body and rails of the blind or shade.

(f) "Wand" means a rigid material used for manual operation.

2. Any child day care center as defined in paragraph (c) of
subdivision one of section three hundred ninety of this title installing
new or replacement window coverings shall install cordless window
coverings or window coverings with inaccessible operational and inner

3. Any child day care center as defined in paragraph (c) of
subdivision one of section three hundred ninety of this title that has
window coverings in place on the effective date of this section, shall
ensure that all window and door blind cords, ropes, wires and other
strangulation hazards are secured and inaccessible to children in
accordance with the regulations of the office of children and family

4. If a child day care center fails to comply with the requirements of
subdivision three of this section, the office of children and family
services may require replacement of existing window coverings with
cordless window coverings or window coverings with inaccessible
operational and inner cords.