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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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City commissioners of public welfare; appointment of staff
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 4
§ 77. City commissioners of public welfare; appointment of staff. 1.
There shall be a city commissioner of public welfare in each city public
welfare district, who shall administer the public assistance and care
for which the city public welfare district is responsible.

2. The officer appointed, in accordance with section one hundred
sixteen of this chapter, to administer public assistance and care in a
city which is constituted a city public welfare district, shall have the
powers and perform the duties of the city commissioner of public

3. When the duties of a city commissioner are by the provisions of
special or local law relating to the city assigned to more than one
department of the city government, the administrative officer of each
such department shall have such of the powers and perform such of the
duties of a city commissioner as may be applicable to the work assigned
to such department, and all the provisions of this chapter shall be so

4. The city commissioner of public welfare shall appoint deputy
commissioners, assistants and employees authorized by the legislative
body of the city and shall direct their work. When authorized by such
legislative body such city commissioner may appoint attorneys to perform
duties other than those assigned to the corporation counsel or city
attorney. However, if such city commissioner shall approve and if
authorized by such legislative body, such attorneys may, in addition to
performing the duties assigned to them by such city commissioner, be
deputized by the corporation counsel or city attorney to perform duties
on his behalf in connection with the work of the welfare department.
The city commissioner shall appoint physicians to visit sick persons in
their homes when authorized by the legislative body of such city.