Aid to Dependent Children
Social Services (SOS) CHAPTER 55, ARTICLE 5
Aid to Dependent Children
Section 343. Declaration of object.
344. Responsibility.
345. Definition.
348. Application for family assistance.
349. Eligibility.
349-a. Procedures to insure the protection of victims of
domestic violence.
349-b. Deserted, abandoned and out-of-wedlock children; special
350. Character and adequacy.
350-a. Protective payments.
350-j. Emergency assistance to needy families with children.
352. Deserted or abandoned children; special provisions.
352-a. Children born out of wedlock; special provisions.
353. Grant of aid.
355. Rules, regulations and forms.
356. Moneys to be provided by counties and cities; how
357. Quarterly estimates.
358. Federal temporary assistance for needy families block
358-a. Dependent children in foster care.
358-b. Limitations on state reimbursement for foster care.
358-c. Rules of court.
360. Real property of legally responsible relatives.
Aid to Dependent Children
Section 343. Declaration of object.
344. Responsibility.
345. Definition.
348. Application for family assistance.
349. Eligibility.
349-a. Procedures to insure the protection of victims of
domestic violence.
349-b. Deserted, abandoned and out-of-wedlock children; special
350. Character and adequacy.
350-a. Protective payments.
350-j. Emergency assistance to needy families with children.
352. Deserted or abandoned children; special provisions.
352-a. Children born out of wedlock; special provisions.
353. Grant of aid.
355. Rules, regulations and forms.
356. Moneys to be provided by counties and cities; how
357. Quarterly estimates.
358. Federal temporary assistance for needy families block
358-a. Dependent children in foster care.
358-b. Limitations on state reimbursement for foster care.
358-c. Rules of court.
360. Real property of legally responsible relatives.