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This entry was published on 2018-04-27
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Local share requirements associated with increasing the age of juvenile jurisdiction above fifteen years of age
State Finance (STF) CHAPTER 56, ARTICLE 4-A
§ 54-m. Local share requirements associated with increasing the age of
juvenile jurisdiction above fifteen years of age. Notwithstanding any
other provision of law to the contrary, counties and the city of New
York shall not be required to contribute a local share of eligible
expenditures that would not have been incurred absent the provisions of
a chapter of the laws of two thousand seventeen that added this section
unless the most recent budget adopted by a county that is subject to the
provisions of section three-c of the general municipal law exceeded the
tax levy limit prescribed in such section or the local government is not
subject to the provisions of section three-c of the general municipal
law; provided, however, that the state budget director shall be
authorized to waive any local share of expenditures associated with a
chapter of the laws of two thousand seventeen that increased the age of
juvenile jurisdiction above fifteen years of age, upon a showing of
financial hardship by a county or the city of New York upon application
in the form and manner prescribed by the division of the budget. In
evaluating an application for a financial hardship waiver, the budget
director shall consider the incremental cost to the locality related to
increasing the age of juvenile jurisdiction, changes in state or federal
aid payments, and other extraordinary costs, including the occurrence of
a disaster as defined in paragraph a of subdivision two of section
twenty of the executive law, repair and maintenance of infrastructure,
annual growth in tax receipts, including personal income, business and
other taxes, prepayment of debt service and other expenses, or such
other factors that the director may determine.