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Medical cannabis trust fund
State Finance (STF) CHAPTER 56, ARTICLE 6
* § 89-h. Medical cannabis trust fund. 1. There is hereby established
in the joint custody of the state comptroller and the commissioner of
taxation and finance a special fund to be known as the "medical cannabis
trust fund."

2. The medical cannabis trust fund shall consist of all moneys
required to be deposited in the medical cannabis trust fund pursuant to
the provisions of section four hundred ninety of the tax law.

3. The moneys in the medical cannabis trust fund shall be kept
separate and shall not be commingled with any other moneys in the
custody of the commissioner of taxation and finance and the state

4. The moneys of the medical cannabis trust fund, following
appropriation by the legislature, shall be allocated upon a certificate
of approval of availability by the director of the budget as follows:
(a) fifty percent of the monies shall be transferred to the counties in
New York state in which the medical cannabis was manufactured and
allocated in proportion to the gross sales originating from medical
cannabis manufactured in each such county; and (b) fifty percent of the
moneys shall be transferred to the counties in New York state in which
the medical cannabis was dispensed and allocated in proportion to the
gross sales occurring in each such county. For purposes of this
subdivision, the city of New York shall be deemed to be a county.

* NB Repealed July 5, 2028