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Opioid stewardship fund
State Finance (STF) CHAPTER 56, ARTICLE 6
* § 97-aaaaa. Opioid stewardship fund. 1. There is hereby established
in the joint custody of the state comptroller and the commissioner of
taxation and finance an account of the miscellaneous special revenue
account to be known as the "opioid stewardship fund".

2. Moneys in opioid stewardship fund shall be kept separate and shall
not be commingled with any other moneys in the custody of the state
comptroller and the commissioner of taxation and finance.

3. The opioid stewardship fund shall consist of moneys appropriated
for the purpose of such account, moneys transferred to such account
pursuant to law, contributions consisting of promises or grants of any
money or property of any kind or value, or any other thing of value,
including grants or other financial assistance from any agency of
government and moneys required by the provisions of this section or any
other law to be paid into or credited to this account.

4. Moneys of the opioid stewardship fund, when allocated, shall be
available, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, to
support programs operated by the New York state office of alcoholism and
substance abuse services or agencies certified, authorized, approved or
otherwise funded by the New York state office of alcoholism and
substance abuse services to provide opioid treatment, recovery and
prevention and education services; and to provide support for the
prescription monitoring program registry as established pursuant to
section thirty-three hundred forty-three-a of the public health law.

5. At the request of the budget director, the state comptroller shall
transfer moneys to support the costs of opioid treatment, recovery,
prevention, education services, and other related programs, from the
opioid stewardship fund to any other fund of the state to support this

6. (i) Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law,
no moneys shall be available from the opioid stewardship fund until a
certificate of allocation and a schedule of amounts to be available
therefor shall have been issued by the director of the budget, upon the
recommendation of the commissioner of the office of alcoholism and
substance abuse services, and a copy of such certificate filed with the
comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee and the
chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.

(ii) Such certificate may be amended from time to time by the director
of the budget, upon the recommendation of the commissioner of the office
of alcoholism and substance abuse services, and a copy of such amendment
shall be filed with the comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance
committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.

7. The moneys, when allocated, shall be paid out of the opioid
stewardship fund, pursuant to subdivision four of this section, and
subject to the approval of the director of the budget, on the audit and
warrant of the comptroller on vouchers certified or approved by (i) the
commissioner of the office of alcoholism and substance abuse services or
his or her designee; or (ii) the commissioner of the department of
health or his or her designee.

* NB Repealed June 30, 2029