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Spinal cord injury research trust fund
State Finance (STF) CHAPTER 56, ARTICLE 6
§ 99-f. Spinal cord injury research trust fund. 1. There is hereby
established in the joint custody of the state comptroller and the
commissioner of taxation and finance a fund to be known as the "spinal
cord injury research trust fund".

2. The fund shall consist of all monies appropriated for its purpose,
all monies required by this section or any other provision of law to be
paid into or credited to such fund, and monies of at least eight million
five hundred thousand dollars collected by the mandatory surcharges
imposed pursuant to subdivision one of section eighteen hundred nine of
the vehicle and traffic law. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the
department of health from receiving grants, gifts or bequests for the
purposes of the fund as defined in this section and depositing them into
the fund according to law.

3. Monies of the fund, when allocated, shall be available for
administrative costs of the spinal cord injury research board
established pursuant to title four of article two of the public health
law and for funding spinal cord injury research projects administered by
such board.

4. Monies shall be payable from the fund on the audit and warrant of
the state comptroller on vouchers approved and certified by the
commissioner of health.