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This entry was published on 2020-04-17
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Public health emergency charitable gifts trust fund
State Finance (STF) CHAPTER 56, ARTICLE 6
* § 99-hh. Public health emergency charitable gifts trust fund. 1.
There is hereby established in the joint custody of the commissioner of
taxation and finance and the state comptroller a special fund to be
known as the "public health emergency charitable gifts trust fund".

2. The public health emergency charitable gifts trust fund shall
consist of monetary grants, gifts or bequests received by the state for
the purposes of the fund, and all other moneys credited or transferred
thereto from any other fund or source. Moneys of such fund shall be
expended only for goods and services necessary to respond to a public
health disaster emergency or to assist or aid in responding to such a
disaster. Nothing in this section shall prevent the state from
soliciting and receiving grants, gifts or bequests for the purposes of
such fund and depositing them into the fund according to law.

3. Moneys in such fund shall be kept separate from and shall not be
commingled with any other moneys in the custody of the comptroller or
the commissioner of taxation and finance. Any moneys of the fund not
required for immediate use may, at the discretion of the comptroller, in
consultation with the director of the budget, be invested by the
comptroller in obligations of the United States or the state, or in
obligations the principal and interest on which are guaranteed by the
United States or by the state. Any income earned by the investment of
such moneys shall be added to and become a part of, and shall be used
for the purposes of such fund.

* NB There are 4 § 99-hh's