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Air quality improvement fund
State Finance (STF) CHAPTER 56, ARTICLE 6
* § 99-rr. Air quality improvement fund. 1. There is hereby
established in the joint custody of the comptroller and the commissioner
of taxation and finance a fund to be known as the "air quality
improvement fund".

2. Such fund shall consist of revenues received by the state pursuant
to section 19-0328 of the environmental conservation law and all other
moneys, appropriated, credited, or transferred thereto from any other
fund or source pursuant to law.

3. All moneys of the air quality improvement fund, following
appropriation by the legislature, shall be made available for the
purposes of reducing air pollution and improving or enhancing air
quality in affected communities, including but not limited to: (a)
measures related to achieving the national ambient air quality
standards, including community level projects to reduce or eliminate air
pollution from stationary and/or mobile sources of air pollution; and
(b) investments which are consistent with the strategies and community
emissions reduction programs prepared pursuant to section 75-0115 of the
environmental conservation law. Any moneys expended from the fund shall
ensure that disadvantaged communities, as defined in subdivision five of
section 75-0101 of the environmental conservation law, receive overall
benefits that approximate the proportion of disadvantaged communities in
the applicable federally designated area of nonattainment in New York,
provided that such communities shall not receive less than thirty-five
percent of the benefit of such funds.

4. Moneys shall be payable from the fund on the audit and warrant of
the comptroller on vouchers approved and certified by the commissioner
of environmental conservation.

* NB There are 2 § 99-rr's