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State Technology (STT) CHAPTER 57-A, ARTICLE 1
§ 101. Definitions. As used in this article the following terms shall

1. "Council" means the advisory council for technology.

2. "Director" means the director of the office.

3. "Office" means the office of information technology services.

4. "State agency" means any department, board, bureau, commission,
division, office, council, committee or officer of the state. Such term
shall not include the legislature or judiciary.

5. "Technology" means either a good or a service or a combination
thereof, used in the application of any computer or electronic
information or interconnected system that is used in the acquisition,
storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display,
switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or voice
including, but not limited to, hardware, software, information
appliances, firmware, programs, systems, networks, infrastructure,
media, and related material used to automatically and electronically
collect, receive, access, transmit, display, store, record, retrieve,
analyze, evaluate, process, classify, manipulate, manage, assimilate,
control, communicate, exchange, convert, coverage, interface, switch, or
disseminate data of any kind or form, and shall include all associated
consulting, management, facilities, maintenance, support and training.
Goods may be either new or used.

6. "Cloud computing" shall have the same meaning as defined by the
national institute of standards and technology's special publication
800-145, and any subsequent version of such publication.