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Website accessibility; state agencies
State Technology (STT) CHAPTER 57-A, ARTICLE 1
§ 103-d. Website accessibility; state agencies. Each state agency
shall, to the extent practicable, conform any of their websites, created
or modified with changes to form or function after the effective date of
this section, by January first, two thousand twenty-seven, to the most
current version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines,
specifically level AA, adopted by the World Wide Web Consortium for
accessibility, or any successor standards. A state agency that cannot
comply with the requirements of this section shall, by January first,
two thousand twenty-seven, post publicly on its website a written
progress report that describes with specificity the steps the agency has
taken to comply with this section, the impediments that prevented
compliance, the efforts undertaken by the agency to come into
compliance, and an estimated time frame for compliance. The written
report shall be updated annually from the date of the original posting.
This section shall not require an agency to take any action that would
result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of a service, program,
or activity.

For purposes of this section, "changes to form or function" shall mean
modifications to the visual presentation, informational organization,
website infrastructure, or user utility of the website, including but
not limited to: 1. redesigns of site layout, color schemes, graphics,
branding elements, or other aesthetic components; and 2. integration of
dynamic interfaces. Nothing in this section shall be construed to be
inconsistent with any current or future applicable federal laws or