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This entry was published on 2025-02-21
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Disclosure of automated employment decision-making tools
State Technology (STT) CHAPTER 57-A, ARTICLE 4
* § 402. Disclosure of automated employment decision-making tools. Any
state agency that utilizes an automated employment decision-making tool,
as defined in section four hundred one of this article, shall publish a
list of such automated employment decision-making tools on such state
agency's website no later than the thirtieth of December next succeeding
the date on which the amendments made to this section by a chapter of
the laws of two thousand twenty-four take effect, and annually
thereafter. Such disclosure shall include:

1. a description of the automated employment decision-making tool
utilized by such state agency;

2. the date that the state agency use of such automated employment
decision-making tool began;

3. a summary of the purpose and use of such automated employment
decision-making tool; and

4. any other information deemed relevant by the agency.

* NB Effective July 1, 2025