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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 1262-M*2
Allocation and distribution of net collections in Saratoga county
* § 1262-m. Allocation and distribution of net collections in Saratoga
county. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary:

(a) If Saratoga county imposes sales and compensating use taxes
pursuant to the authority of subdivision (a) of section twelve hundred
ten of this article, the local legislative body of Saratoga county shall
be authorized and empowered to adopt and amend local laws, ordinances or
resolutions to allocate and distribute to the town of Milton up to sixty
thousand dollars per calendar year, from net collections received by the
county from such taxes; and any such amount allocated and distributed to
the town of Milton pursuant to this subdivision shall be in addition to
any amounts allocated and applied or distributed by such county to such
town pursuant to the authority of subdivision (c) or (d), or both
subdivisions (c) and (d), of section twelve hundred sixty-two of this

(b) If Saratoga county and the city of Saratoga Springs each impose
sales and compensating use taxes pursuant to the authority of
subdivision (a) of section twelve hundred ten of this article and the
city of Mechanicville does not impose any taxes pursuant to the
authority of such section twelve hundred ten, the local legislative body
of Saratoga county shall be authorized and empowered to adopt and amend
local laws, ordinances or resolutions to allocate and distribute to the
city of Mechanicville up to five hundred forty-two thousand dollars per
calendar year, from net collections received by the county from its
sales and compensating use taxes imposed pursuant to the authority of
such section twelve hundred ten; and any such amount allocated and
distributed to the city of Mechanicville pursuant to this subdivision
shall be in addition to any amounts allocated and applied or distributed
by such county to such city pursuant to the authority of subdivision (c)
or (d), or both subdivisions (c) and (d), of section twelve hundred
sixty-two of this article.

* NB There are 2 § 1262-m's