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This entry was published on 2015-01-09
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Empire zones tax benefits report
§ 17. Empire zones tax benefits report. (a) The department of
taxation and finance must publish an empire zones tax benefits report
annually by June thirtieth. The first report must be published by June
thirtieth, two thousand eleven.

(b) (1) The empire zones tax benefits report must contain the
following information about the empire zone tax credits claimed under
articles nine, nine-A, twenty-two and thirty-three of this chapter
during the previous calendar year:

(A) the name of each taxpayer claiming a credit; and

(B) the amount of each credit earned by each taxpayer.

(2) If the taxpayer claims a empire zone tax credit because the
taxpayer is a member of a limited liability company, a partner in a
partnership or a shareholder in a subchapter S corporation, the name of
each limited liability company, partnership or subchapter S corporation
earning any of those credits and the amount of credit earned by each
entity must be included in the report instead of information about the
taxpayer claiming the credit.

(c) The empire zones tax benefits report must also contain the
following information about the sales and use tax refunds and credits
claimed under subdivision (d) of section eleven hundred nineteen of this
chapter during the previous calendar year:

(A) the name of each taxpayer claiming a credit or refund; and

(B) the total amount of credits or refunds allowed to each taxpayer.

(d) The information included in the empire zones tax benefits report
will be based on the information filed with the department during the
previous calendar year, to the extent that it is practicable to use that