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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Applicability of section one hundred eighty-two-a
§ 197-c. Applicability of section one hundred eighty-two-a.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, with respect
to the tax imposed by section one hundred eighty-two-a of this article,
a declaration of estimated tax of a taxpayer with a taxable year which
is the calendar year nineteen hundred eighty-one, shall be filed on or
before September fifteen of such year and the estimated tax with respect
to which such declaration is required to be filed, shall be paid in two
equal installments as follows: on September fifteenth and December
fifteenth of such year. The provisions of this section shall apply to a
taxpayer subject to the tax imposed by such section one hundred
eighty-two-a with a taxabl period of twelve months, other than a
calendar year, which period commences in nineteen hundred eighty-one by
the substitution of the months of such fiscal year for the corresponding
months specified in this provision for a taxpayer with a taxable year
which is the calendar year nineteen hundred eighty-one. If the taxable
period for which the tax imposed by such section one hundred
eighty-two-a is other than twelve months, every taxpayer required to
make a declaration of estimated tax and payments of estimated tax
pursuant to the provisions of this section shall make such declaration
and such payments in accordance with regulations of the tax commission.