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This entry was published on 2019-05-03
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Over state lands
Transportation Corporations (TCP) CHAPTER 63, ARTICLE 7
§ 89. Over state lands. The commissioner of general services shall
have power to grant to any pipe line corporation any lands belonging to
the people of this state which may be required for the purposes of its
incorporation on such terms as may be agreed, or such corporation may
acquire title thereto by condemnation, except that no corporation may
condemn any lands for the purposes of the construction of any line of
pipe that supports facilities or infrastructure associated with
exploration, development, or production of oil or natural gas in the
north Atlantic planning area, and further excepting that no pipe line
corporation may condemn any canal lands abandoned pursuant to the
provisions of article four of the public lands law until after they have
been sold and conveyed in the manner provided by the public lands law.
If any lands owned by any county, city or town be required by such
corporation for such purposes, the county, city or town officers having
charge of such lands may grant them to the corporation upon terms and
compensation agreed upon.