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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Transfer of appropriations heretofore made to department of public works
Transportation (TRA) CHAPTER 61-A, ARTICLE 12
§ 270. Transfer of appropriations heretofore made to department of
public works. All appropriations or reappropriations for the functions
herein transferred heretofore made to the department of public works, or
segregated pursuant to law, to the extent of remaining unexpended or
unencumbered balances thereof, whether allocated or unallocated and
whether obligated or unobligated, are hereby transferred to and made
available for use and expenditure by the department of transportation
for the same purposes for which originally appropriated or
reappropriated and shall be payable on vouchers certified or approved by
the commissioner of transportation on audit and warrant of the
comptroller. Payments for liabilities for expenses of personal service,
maintenance and operation heretofore incurred by the department of
public works in connection with the functions herein transferred, and
for liabilities incurred and to be incurred in completing its affairs in
relation to the functions transferred herein, shall also be made on
vouchers or certificates approved by the commissioner of transportation
on audit and warrant of the comptroller.