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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Urban transportation planning
Transportation (TRA) CHAPTER 61-A, ARTICLE 2-B
§ 30. Urban transportation planning. Notwithstanding section seven
hundred thirty-four of the executive law or any other law, the
commissioner shall have power to sponsor, conduct and undertake urban
transportation studies and to act as the state planning agency for
metropolitan or regional urban transportation planning and for state and
interstate comprehensive urban transportation planning and for research
and coordination activity related thereto in connection with the
provisions of and for the purposes set forth in section seven hundred
one of the federal housing act of nineteen hundred fifty-four, as
amended, when such studies and activity relate primarily to the
development of a transportation plan. In exercising his powers under
this section the commissioner may act jointly with and otherwise
cooperate with any state office or agency, and in order to carry out the
purposes of this section the commissioner may enter into contracts or
agreements with any person, firm, corporation or governmental agency.
The commissioner may act as agent for or enter into contracts and
otherwise cooperate with the federal government in connection with the
provisions of section seven hundred one of the housing act of nineteen
hundred fifty-four, as amended, to the extent that such section relates
to assistance of urban transportation planning, and as such agent
administer any grant or grants for the assistance of urban
transportation planning to the state or through the state to its local
governing bodies and to regional and metropolitan planning agencies,
complying with the provisions of such grants or advances. The
department of taxation and finance is hereby designated to accept and
receive all grants or advances from the federal government for the
purpose of this section. All monies so accepted and received shall be
deposited by the department of taxation and finance in a special fund
for use exclusively for the purposes for which such grants or advances
were made. Payment from the said fund shall be made upon audit and
warrant of the comptroller upon vouchers approved by the commissioner.
The commissioner is hereby authorized to present any claim to the
federal government or any agency or official thereof with respect to the
funds made available for the purposes of this section pursuant to
section seven hundred one of the housing act of nineteen hundred
fifty-four, as amended.