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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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§ 191. Petition. Except as otherwise provided in the case of a water
storage and distribution district, water quality treatment district or
sewage disposal district, a petition for the establishment or the
extension of an improvement district shall be signed by the owners of
taxable real property situate in the proposed district or extension
thereof, owning in the aggregate at least one-half of the assessed
valuation of all the taxable real property of the proposed district or
extension thereof, as shown upon the latest completed assessment-roll of
said town; provided, however, that if there be any resident owners, the
petition shall include the signatures of resident owners owning taxable
real property aggregating at least one-half of the assessed valuation of
all the taxable real property of the proposed district or extension
owned by resident owners, according to the latest completed
assessment-roll. If a portion only of a parcel of such real estate
appearing upon the assessment-roll is situate within the proposed
district or extension thereof, then the town board may determine the
relative value of the part thereof within the proposed district or
extension thereof, based upon the valuation of the entire parcel as the
same appears upon the assessment-roll. Such petition shall describe the
boundaries of the proposed district or extension in a manner sufficient
to identify the lands included therein as in a deed of conveyance, and
shall be signed by the petitioners, and acknowledged or proved in the
same manner as a deed to be recorded, or authenticated in the manner
provided by the election law for the authentication of nominating
petitions. If such petition shall request the construction or
acquisition of an improvement, it shall state the maximum amount
proposed to be expended therefor. If the petition shall not request the
construction or acquisition of an improvement but shall propose the
performance or supplying of certain services, it may state the maximum
amount to be expended annually for such services. In addition, a
petition for the establishment or extension of a park or public parking
district shall describe the property proposed to be acquired for the
purposes thereof.