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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Powers and duties of town superintendent of highways and deputy superintendent
§ 32. Powers and duties of town superintendent of highways and deputy
superintendent. 1. The town superintendent of highways shall have such
powers and shall perform such duties as are or hereafter may be
conferred or imposed upon him by law, and such further duties as the
town board may determine not inconsistent with law.

2. The town board of any town may at any time establish the office of
deputy town superintendent of highways. The deputy town superintendent
of highways shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the town
superintendent of highways. If the town superintendent of highways shall
fail to appoint such deputy within five days after the establishment of
the office of deputy or within five days after a vacancy occurs in the
office of deputy, the town board shall have power to appoint such deputy
town superintendent of highways. During the absence or inability of the
town superintendent of highways to act, such deputy shall act and be
vested with all the powers and duties of the town superintendent as
provided by law. Before such deputy shall perform any power or duty of
the office of superintendent such deputy town superintendent of highways
shall take and file the constitutional oath of office and execute and
file an official undertaking to be approved by the town board. The town
board shall fix the compensation to be received by such deputy.