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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Surplus money upon sale of strays
§ 322. Surplus money upon sale of strays. If the owner of the beasts
shall not appear and demand the residue of such moneys within one year
after the sale he shall be thereafter precluded from recovering any part
thereof, and the same shall be paid by the officer making the sale to
the supervisor of the town, or, in cities, to the treasurer, and their
receipt shall be a legal discharge to the keeper of such beasts and the
officer selling the same. If the officer who shall have sold such beasts
shall not, within thirty days after the expiration of the year, pay such
moneys to the supervisor of the town, or, in cities, to the treasurer he
shall forfeit to the town or city double the sum so remaining in his
hands, together with the amount of such moneys.