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This entry was published on 2014-12-26
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Open Time for Payment or Running of Credit; Authority to Ship Under Reservation
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) CHAPTER 38, ARTICLE 2, PART 3
Section 2--310. Open Time for Payment or Running of Credit; Authority to

Ship Under Reservation.

Unless otherwise agreed

(a) payment is due at the time and place at which the buyer is to
receive the goods even though the place of shipment is the place of
delivery; and

(b) if the seller is authorized to send the goods he may ship them
under reservation, and may tender the documents of title, but the buyer
may inspect the goods after their arrival before payment is due unless
such inspection is inconsistent with the terms of the contract (Section
2--513); and

(c) if delivery is authorized and made by way of documents of title
otherwise than by subsection (b) then payment is due regardless of where
the goods are to be received (i) at the time and place at which the
buyer is to receive delivery of the tangible documents or (ii) at the
time the buyer is to receive delivery of the electronic documents and at
the seller's place of business or if none, the seller's residence; and

(d) where the seller is required or authorized to ship the goods on
credit the credit period runs from the time of shipment but post-dating
the invoice or delaying its dispatch will correspondingly delay the
starting of the credit period.