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Definitions and Index of Definitions
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) CHAPTER 38, ARTICLE 3, PART 1
Section 3--102. Definitions and Index of Definitions.

(1) In this Article unless the context otherwise requires

(a) "Issue" means the first delivery of an instrument to a holder

or a remitter.

(b) An "order" is a direction to pay and must be more than an

authorization or request. It must identify the person to pay

with reasonable certainty. It may be addressed to one or more

such persons jointly or in the alternative but not in


(c) A "promise" is an undertaking to pay and must be more than an

acknowledgment of an obligation.

(d) "Secondary party" means a drawer or endorser.

(e) "Instrument" means a negotiable instrument.

(2) Other definitions applying to this Article and the sections in
which they appear are:

"Acceptance". Section 3--410.

"Accommodation party". Section 3--415.

"Alteration". Section 3--407.

"Certificate of deposit". Section 3--104.

"Certification". Section 3--411.

"Check". Section 3--104.

"Definite time". Section 3--109.

"Dishonor". Section 3--507.

"Draft". Section 3--104.

"Holder in due course". Section 3--302.

"Negotiation". Section 3--202.

"Note". Section 3--104.

"Notice of dishonor". Section 3--508.

"On demand". Section 3--108.

"Presentment". Section 3--504.

"Protest". Section 3--509.

"Restrictive Indorsement". Section 3--205.

"Signature". Section 3--401.

(3) The following definitions in other Articles apply to this Article:

"Account". Section 4--104.

"Banking Day". Section 4--104.

"Clearing house". Section 4--104.

"Collecting bank". Section 4--105.

"Customer". Section 4--104.

"Depositary Bank". Section 4--105.

"Documentary Draft". Section 4--104.

"Intermediary Bank". Section 4--105.

"Item". Section 4--104.

"Midnight deadline". Section 4--104.

"Payor bank". Section 4--105.

(4) In addition Article 1 contains general definitions and principles
of construction and interpretation applicable throughout this Article.