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This entry was published on 2024-05-03
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Empire AI consortium reports
Urban Development Corporation Act 174/68 (UDA) CHAPTER INTRO
§ 16-ii. Empire AI consortium reports. Beginning May first, two
thousand twenty-seven, and annually thereafter, the corporation shall
prepare and publish on its website, an annual report on the empire AI
research institute at the university of Buffalo. Such report shall
include but not be limited to: detail on achieving the goals and mission
of the empire AI research institute at the university of Buffalo, a
summary of the state investment into the empire AI research institute at
the university of Buffalo, the leveraged investment, job creation
impact, the total investment, total funding disbursed by the corporation
to date, the names of the private sector and academic partners that
participate in the empire AI research institute at the university of
Buffalo and affirmation that any and all academic partners are
recognized by the board of regents as defined in section two hundred two
of the education law, a list of research areas of focus, an accounting
of the total number of small businesses provided access to the
supercomputing equipment, an assessment of whether or not the contract
awardee, via the corporation, is in compliance with the terms and
conditions of the contract with regard to the empire AI research
institute at the university of Buffalo, an articulation of any
additional state benefits for empire state development projects as
defined in paragraph (a-3) of subdivision one of section fifty-eight of
this chapter. Additionally, in all years in which the institute is fully
operational, such report shall include noteworthy projects or
innovations which serve to highlight the developments occurring in New
York state as a result of the project.