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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Uniform District Court Act (UDC) CHAPTER 565, ARTICLE 21
§ 2101. Definitions.

The following words used in this act shall have the meaning defined in
this section, unless otherwise apparent from the context:

(a) "Administrative board" means the administrative board of the
judicial conference of the state.

(b) "Administrative judge" means the officer designated by the
appellate division of the department in which the court is located.

(c) "Appellate division" means the appellate division of the supreme
court in and for the department in which the court is located, or its
designated administrative judge.

(d) "Clerk" means the chief clerk or any other clerk or non-judicial
person, regardless of title, employed by the court and designated to
perform the function referred to in the particular section.

(e) "County" means the county in which the court is located.

(f) "County executive" means the officer, regardless of title, holding
the highest executive position in the county.

(g) "Court" means the district court in the county or one of the
judges thereof, unless the context clearly indicates reference to some
other court.

(h) "District" means a district of the court within the county,
whether the court is established for the entire county or only a part
thereof, and whether or not the districts of the court within the county
are contiguous.

(i) "Enforcement officer" means such officer or officers, whether
sheriffs or marshals or otherwise titled, designated pursuant to law to
execute the civil mandates of the court.

(j) "Judge" means any judicial officer of the district court, unless
the context clearly indicates reference to some other judge.

(k) "Rules" means the rules adopted pursuant to § 2103 of this act.

(l) "Supervisors" means the board of supervisors or other elective
governing body of the county.