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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 2402*2
District court system; area and composition
Uniform District Court Act (UDC) CHAPTER 565, ARTICLE 24, TITLE 1
* § 2402. District court system; area and composition. The district
court system of Suffolk county shall be established on the first day of
January next succeeding one year from the general election at which at
least three contiguous towns, by a majority vote cast in each such town,
elect to participate in and become a part of such county district court
system. The election of any such town shall be irrevocable. The town of
Shelter Island shall be deemed to be contiguous to the towns of
Southold, Southampton and East Hampton. Once the district court system
of Suffolk county has been created, any town contiguous to such district
may thereafter elect at a general election to become part of the
district court system, which referendum shall be initiated by town board
resolution, and upon making such election by the majority vote of the
electors of such town, such town shall become irrevocably a part of the
county district court system on the first day of January of the second
year following such election.

* NB There are 2 § 2402's