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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Court clerks; appointment, compensation and removal
Uniform District Court Act (UDC) CHAPTER 565, ARTICLE 24, TITLE 1
§ 2413. Court clerks; appointment, compensation and removal. The board
of judges shall appoint one court clerk for each judicial district and,
subject to the applicable civil service laws, such additional court
clerks, deputy court clerks, stenographers and other assistants and
employees in the clerk's office as may be necessary. Court clerks and
deputy court clerks shall at the time of their appointment be residents
of the districts for which they are appointed and removal of any of them
from the district for which he was appointed shall vacate the office.
All the officers and employees provided by this section shall receive
compensation to be fixed by the members of the board of supervisors from
the towns comprising the first judicial district, which salaries
together with other expenses of their offices as provided by the annual
budget shall be a charge against the first judicial district. Any court
clerk or deputy court clerk may be removed by the board of judges for
cause, provided that written charges are first filed with the board of
judges, and that such court clerk or deputy court clerk be given due
notice thereof and be afforded an opportunity to be heard; and the
president of the board of judges may, in his discretion, suspend such
court clerk or deputy court clerk from the performance of his official
duties pending a hearing upon the charges. Upon charges being preferred
against a court clerk or deputy court clerk by a judge of the district
court, the board of judges shall forthwith cause notice of suspension of
such court clerk or deputy court clerk to be served upon him, and such
court clerk or deputy court clerk shall thereupon remain suspended until
the hearing and determination of the charges.