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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Records and dockets of court
Uniform Justice Court Act (UJC) CHAPTER 898, ARTICLE 1
§ 107. Records and dockets of court.

Each justice shall keep or cause to be kept legible and suitable
books, papers, records and dockets of all civil actions and proceedings
and all criminal actions and proceedings. The rules may prescribe their
form, care, custody and disposition, provided, however, that in any
county or part of a county where the district court system has been duly
adopted, all the dockets of the town justices then on file or required
to be filed, in the office of the town clerk, shall be transferred to
the office of the clerk of the district court and there kept and
maintained in the same manner as other official records of the district
court and responsibility for such records on the part of the town shall