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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Justices' criminal records and docket
Uniform Justice Court Act (UJC) CHAPTER 898, ARTICLE 20
§ 2019-a. Justices' criminal records and docket.

The records and dockets of the court except as otherwise provided by
law shall be at reasonable times open for inspection to the public and
shall be and remain the property of the village or town of the residence
of such justice, and at the expiration of the term of office of such
justice shall be forthwith filed by him in the office of the clerk of
such village or town, provided, however, that if such records and
dockets are transferred pursuant to section twenty hundred twenty-one of
the uniform district court act, the responsibility for such records and
dockets by the city, village or town shall cease and they shall be the
property of the district court to which they are transferred. The record
of every criminal action shall state the names of the witnesses sworn
and their places of residence, and if in a city, the street and house
number; and every proceeding had before him. It shall be the duty of
every such justice, at least once a year and upon the last audit day of
such village or town, to present his records and docket to the auditing
board of said village or town, which board shall examine the said
records and docket, or cause same to be examined and a report thereon
submitted to the board by a certified public accountant, or a public
accountant and enter in the minutes of its proceedings the fact that
they have been duly examined, and that the fines therein collected have
been turned over to the proper officials of the village or town as
required by law. Any such justice who shall willfully fail to make and
enter in such records and docket forthwith, the entries by this section
required to be made or to exhibit such records and docket when
reasonably required, or present his records and docket to the auditing
board as herein required, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall,
upon conviction, in addition to the punishment provided by law for a
misdemeanor, forfeit his office.