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Emergency rule
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 35
§ 1602. Emergency rule. (a) Whenever a police officer shall deem it
advisable during a fire or at the time of any accident or special
emergency and only for such period of time as is necessitated thereby
for the public safety or convenience, temporarily to close any street or
part thereof to vehicular traffic, or to vehicles of a certain
description, or to divert the traffic thereof, or to divert or break a
course of pedestrian traffic, such official shall have power and
authority to do so.

(b) In the event of a fire or other emergency or to expedite traffic
or to safeguard pedestrians or property: any police officer or other
person empowered to regulate traffic at the scene may, to the extent
authorized by local law, ordinance, order, rule, regulation or
administrative code provision adopted by local authorities with respect
to highways within their corporate boundaries, direct traffic as
conditions may require notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter or
of local laws, ordinances, orders, rules, regulations, administrative
code or sanitary code provisions regulating traffic; and, in addition,
outside of cities and villages any member of the state police may direct
traffic as conditions may require notwithstanding the provisions of this
chapter or of local laws, ordinances, orders, rules or regulations
regulating traffic.

(c) Whenever the head of any police force or police department or the
chief executive officer of a city, town or village shall deem it
advisable during a snow storm or in order to remove snow or to plow
streets, provided that signs or markings giving notice are posted as
required by section sixteen hundred eighty-three of this chapter, such
head of the police force or police department or the chief executive
officer of a city, town or village may close any street or part thereof
to vehicular traffic or prohibit, restrict or limit the stopping,
standing or parking of vehicles.

(d) The superintendent of the New York state police or the head of any
police force or police department may authorize the temporary closure of
any street or part thereof to vehicular traffic, or to vehicles of a
certain description, or to divert the traffic thereof, or to divert or
break a course of pedestrian traffic in the following situations:

1. during the time of any speed contest, exhibition of speed or
similar special event which is being held pursuant to section eleven
hundred eighty-two-a of this chapter;

2. during the time of the filming of any movie, commercial or similar
event which is being undertaken pursuant to section eleven hundred
eighty-two-b of this chapter.